Old Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical MapsOld Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical Maps


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Let´s make history together. Join us in building the largest online collection of old maps and reveal the stories they hold. Add and share new maps, help map libraries around the world, collaborate on georeferencing, and submit ideas. Shape the future of historical exploration!

Help map libraries

Make it easier to discover old maps from map archives around the world. Assign geographical locations to scanned maps, enrich metadata, and make the maps geographically searchable and visible online to a wide public.


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Become a map hunter! Thousands of maps are still waiting to be explored and located. Adding new maps to the OldMapsOnline portal is easy. Contribute to our expanding collection and help unearth the narratives etched within cartographic masterpieces.


Challenge yourself and others in the georeferencing. The more maps you geolocate, the more points you collect. Add and assign a geographical location to as many maps as you can and enjoy friendly competition among fellow history buffs.


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We invite you to take a step further. Your membership not only fuels the growth of OldMapsOnline, but as a member, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits and become part of the team shaping the future of historical exploration.

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